Crossed by a Black Star
Black Star (n.) — Term by astrologists for a star that shines so brightly, it burns out and dies, leaving its mass behind.
Imagine having your whole life fueled by one word—more. That was it, you had to continue to have more, you had to continue to own more, more money, more people to control, simply more objects, fame and more of more.
America’s Legislature lives in a constant paradox of balancing modern capitalism and equality, two concepts that are at vast ends of the spectrum of political ideology, yet somehow they have managed to do it. In a country to where we all believe that the person next to us is equal, and we have equal opportunities to be rich and famous. Many people see the top of the iceberg, but they don’t see the work or the failures that it took to get there. Most people don’t see the burnout, so they they assume it doesn’t exist.
Burnout exists,
That misconception is often the reason why so many stars do burn out. Superstars, actors, athletes, politicians, often resort to quick fixes because they do not want to deal with the disturbed rhythm inside of them that has been broken at the profit of hard work. This is a dangerous game, and one that does lead to burnout, when an ambitious dream, and pressures to succeed at an incredible pace are crossed, a black star is born. On that path, many will burn out, and unfortunately, continue to burn out due to lack of emotional intelligence. We forget how to self manage. This is important in our life to build a successful future, and to continue to burn bright and sustainable.